Rob Brodrick
Special Projects: Rob began working with the Partnership Center in 2018 as the primary HMIS Data Technical Assistance (TA) provider for the HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). He provided extensive support to YHDP providers and analysis of national data on youth homelessness. He designed and co-developed the first Collaborative Dashboard in Sage, gathering national youth data to focus on outcomes. Rob transitioned to a part-time focus on special projects in the fall of 2021, with his primary work with PCL now focused on the Estimating the Prevalence and Probability of Homeless Youth project in collaboration with Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago.
Rob is now the National Director for the Marianist Lay Community of North America and was previously an adjunct professor in theology and international studies departments as well as a research consultant for Oxfam America. He is also a founding member and chair of the Board of the Mission of Mary Cooperative, a non-profit urban farming initiative in Dayton that provides food access, nutrition education, and native land restoration services. Rob has a PhD in systematic theology from Boston College as well as a BS and MA from the University of Dayton. Email Rob
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